Solstice Photo Update

Solstice Photo Update

Happy Solstice, friends! We are seeing so much growth here on the farm–the onions and leeks–all the crops in the fields, really–are shooting up with these long days and lots of moisture, and seem to be inspiring our young’uns to grow even...
Freezers say, “Fill me with blueberries!”

Freezers say, “Fill me with blueberries!”

Now is the time to stock up your freezer, pantry or dehydrator with these lush, ripe, sweet blueberries.  Until further notice (updates available on facebook), we’ll be open for pick-your-own organic highbush blueberries on Tuesdays from 4pm until 7pm and...
The Sweetness of Summer, Blueberries

The Sweetness of Summer, Blueberries

A simple invitation to all of you who live within striking distance– Your presence is cordially requested at our inaugural year of open-to-the-world pick-your-own: -MOFGA-certified organic highbush blueberries- Varieties include Duke, Blue Jay, Blue Ray, Jersey,...
Babies, Buildings, and Brine

Babies, Buildings, and Brine

Hello?!  Hello?!  Hello?!  Hello…o….o…o…?! That is what you will hear if you happen to stick your head into our silo (see below) and call “Hello.”  You will be relieved to know this is now an OSHA-approved activity, since the giant...
July’s eve

July’s eve

With summer barreling along, we aim to use every day as efficiently as we can.  While the days are long, the list is even longer–on top of keeping livestock cared for, crops cultivated, food on the table and a little one content, other bigger projects crest like...

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