The Sweetness of Summer, Blueberries

The Sweetness of Summer, Blueberries

A simple invitation to all of you who live within striking distance– Your presence is cordially requested at our inaugural year of open-to-the-world pick-your-own: -MOFGA-certified organic highbush blueberries- Varieties include Duke, Blue Jay, Blue Ray, Jersey,...
Babies, Buildings, and Brine

Babies, Buildings, and Brine

Hello?!  Hello?!  Hello?!  Hello…o….o…o…?! That is what you will hear if you happen to stick your head into our silo (see below) and call “Hello.”  You will be relieved to know this is now an OSHA-approved activity, since the giant...
July’s eve

July’s eve

With summer barreling along, we aim to use every day as efficiently as we can.  While the days are long, the list is even longer–on top of keeping livestock cared for, crops cultivated, food on the table and a little one content, other bigger projects crest like...
Maynely Babies

Maynely Babies

May is definitely baby time in midcoast Maine in general (baby eels, baby birds, baby tadpoles in vernal pools, baby leaves on big trees…) but at North Branch Farm the baby-ness is amplified by human meddling and we have possibly somewhat more than our fair...


  Hi friends, After spending about a month identifying very strongly with the beavers in The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, as in, “Winter is really beautiful, but holy cow! when are we supposed to restock our food and fuel and let our babies run around...
Squash Zombies

Squash Zombies

Hi folks*, The days are getting longer, and the paths around the farm, which have been treacherous running-water-over-ice, have almost turned to mud.  I think that one of the most relieving things about farming is that there is absolutely nothing we can do to change...

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